Author Joe Holt

#UQT #UnifiedQuantumTheory #OpenSourceLife

Unified Quantum Theory

I am not a math guy, but am an autist and electrical engineer.
The quantum language is building power grids in three or four sided pyramids. So literally speaking spells of creation. When you do this correctly you open different stargates that have different locations. The 3x4 is the infinite light and when you open it you look like that artwork by Daniel B Holeman. The power source for a 3 is an omega where the power source for a 4 is the alpha omega, and if you add a 3 and a 4 you get the 6 leg flower of life as you have 3 omegas spinning inside of each other (the +1 alpha omega powers it). This would create at least 12 mirrored dimensions in a 3x4 but only 9 mirrored in a 3x3 mercaba.

(the 441 matrices that comprises our reality.)

The word syntax structure was altered to keep us from creating the appropriate stargate and energy grids. They broke the rules and took our freewill. That is a big no-no. The part they didn't have is the +1 Alpha Omega, but they couldn't see it because they didn't pull out enough dimensions to see it. From a 2-d perspective the 3 and 4 lo0k the same. It basically the difference between a location, and a time. Takes both, for a now. The 3s are made possible by the 3 sided pyramid, and the 4s by the 4 sided pyramid. By simply changing volts to amps or reverse, and also by modulating the magnetic field, ie: Hz frequency (Intention), your words are actually what is moving you through the space-time continuum. The 0s are very important as that is where the Omega starts. The neural firings of thought build the pathways and the speaking of it is basically starting the palindromic inverted repeat. Based on if you are working with an Omega, Alpha Omega, or +1 Alpha Omega, you achieve different results due to the amount of power available. This translates into available dimensions within the 441 matrices. The reason you get the same word but different pronunciations, is due to the flipping spin of the sine wave. The 3 sided pyramid sine wave covers space, and the 4 sided pyramid sine wave covers time. Basically, a matrix for gods to imagine themselves human.

#vortexmath #godbless #WWG1WGA #quantumphysics
0+0=1+0+0=4+1=8; 4 sided pyramid
12 dimensions mirrored
0+0=1+0=3+1=6; 3 sided pyramid
9 dimensions mirrored
+1 Alpha Omega = Zero Point

3x4 = +1 Alpha Omega and I don’t know the math for that lol but def more dimensions, like....all of them (the 441 matrices), creating the actual fabric of space and time, which creates an electromagnetic anomaly that allows for a "physical" place that consciousness can become flesh.
Also I believe that this explains how DNA are created, or more appropriately allocated and energized. By Altering our language syntax, they altered our DNA, because our thoughts and words build our reality as co-creators with the infinite light. This would allow up to at least 12 strand DNA, but the math suggest you are explaining the very fabric of the cosmos.

One amazing thing about my unified quantum theory is, if I am correct you could create spacecraft where the pilot was the zero IE the power source for the aircraft. If the pilot put themselves into a zero point you would then be traveling inside the tubes of light which means you would not be constraint by the electromagnetic anomaly therefore you would travel at the speed of thought and you would only need propulsion for local travel, not interstellar travel. This would greatly reduce the need for the complexity, size, fuel, ect. of the aircraft. Basically you would then just need to train pilots on how to meditate and achieve a Zero Point State, ie: the quiet place, and they could transport whatever aircraft they were sitting in with them. I do believe that the aircraft would need to be an AI-Organic-Hybrid to make this possible, or more likely just easier.

Just realized that they sacred geometry that speaks to me is actually service name and transport protocol numbers inside Orion's Cube. Sweet. #orionscube #441matrices #sacredgeometry
Three parts (the trinity) based on four postulates. Sound familiar. That is the 3 and 4 sided pyramids with the +1 alpha omega to power them. Unified Quantum Theory is the answer

to all of life's known, and unknown questions and answers.

Also I can explain conscious and sub-conscious states. Conscious State is powered by the Heart because it is the strongest power source. Sub-Conscious is powered by the Brain as it is the weaker power source. Basically the Brain is picking up passive quarks, while the heart is creating them depending on which power source is in the heart, the omega, alpha omega, or +1 alpha omega.  They echo top and bottom of the body in that interplay between the 3 and 4 sided pyramids ie brain and heart, and controls consciousness and brainwaves. If I am correct, we could "wake up" all patients that are currently in a coma. The electromagnetic sine wave that is moving from right to left, controls autonomous functions such as breathing, heartbeat. That is how I stopped a heart attack in my grandmother with polar, nasal-breathing.

Also, breathing in and out gathers charged particles from the air. The in breath is probably the 3 sided pyramid that covers space, and the out breath is the 4 sided pyramid that covers time. The breath is then in turn translated as energy to the brain and heart, with an interplay between the hydrogen and oxygen in the brain, as well as the igniter spark from the heart. This knowledge was used to ill effect to credit Hydrogen Bombs. If you look at the way they explode, it looks just like the neural activity of a Brain. If you look at the four valves of the heart and they way they fire off, it should overlay the electrical sine wave action of the brain between the two halves, and also overlay and match the spin of the planets. To envision this clearly, don't look at these electrical sine waves in 2-d, but instead think about them as tubes that you are looking through the end of from one side.

A Zero Point event and how and why it happens. Basically using the frequency of ultimate forgiveness, My body was able to dump the mucus in my pineal gland, eyes, ears, head ect, and it was like striking my pineal gland with a sledgehammer. This shock wave flipped the 0 into a +1 alpha omega inside of the 3x4 pyramid which turns a 0 into the omega, then alpha omega, then +1 alpha omega. The shear force of the drawing out of the negative charge (through forgiveness) caused a vacuum to form which drew in the love frequency. In short, By creating a zero point event, I re-centered the entire 441 matrices on myself, using the Law of One. It would also mean that I would currently be represented by the sun in the sonnensystem vortex helix. And that means that my Hz frequency of Love was so strong, it would have overridden all known lesser quarks of energy. That was April-May 2018.


"Torus fields have always been engendered in the forms of plasma fields, clouds of charge, structures of photons and even in some elevated forms of DNA... The reason why plasma fields choose to manifest themselves in this profound toroidal form is because they had to find a self-sustaining, self-organizing recursive geometry to optimize their survival energy. -Tufan Guven"

This explains why it is again quite literally
“In the sine of a cross shape”
Instead of “In the Sign of the Cross”,
like priests make from their head to chest to both shoulders.
It starts the sequence…
Apparently now I know space math too lol.
Oooo Thai Chi matches the dance you would have to do to start the Inverted Repeat sequence of a 0 into a Palindromic sequence. Boom! Creates a... Lol well quite literally again, a Big Bang.

O wow, I get it.
Ooo so the Egyptians are a necessary counterbalance...
But it explains why I am uncomfortable with that vibration.
Is the difference in a 1 or a 0
ooooo wow so many things i wrote in the
first paper make sense now (Answers: The Theory of Everything)
.:lol:. (not lol but a point between two lines.)

The Flower of Life and the 64 Tetrahedron grid: the mother and father of the geometry of the fabric spacetime; And you can become the +1 Alpha Omega that powers it and hosts the magnetic flux field that holds it in place while you power it. Basically the pyramids are tricking the fabric of space and time. The power grids run under the pyramids, churches, synagogues, cathedrals, ect. They are tricking us into powering up their energy field. I believe the kaaba (probably an artificial Orion's Cube creating a stargate) is important because depending on what energy you interject into the twisting portion of the sine way, and which way you spin it, it changes everything. I would imagine the energy grids connect here in a central way. Also they would have to modulate the Hz range most likely using equipment effecting the magnetism of the earth, creating a different magnetic flux than would naturally occur. (not sure why Einstein jumped in there twice but he doesn't want me to remove the second one either lol. Maybe he is trying to g3t me to think about the mirrored dimensions.)
So the 1-2-4-8-7-5 is basically the interplay between the 3 and 4 sided pyramids as the +1 alpha omega spins inside, which creates and puts off the new cells as it spins up the dna to do so in the flower of life. This also explains and matches the sonnensystem vortex helix if you overlay the pattern and expand it.

The tetragrammaton, יהוה‬ in Hebrew and YHWH in Latin script, is the four-letter biblical name of the God. It is also not something you say with your mouth. It is something that you feel in your bones. Of all the living things I've encountered on Earth, the Trees are the best at saying this name. That would explain why they are trying to cut all the trees down on the planet.

3 and 4 sided pyramid inverted and counter rotating create this shape and it expands out indefinitely once you add the +1 Alpha Omega in the middle to power it up and start the shock-wave
I have seen and created the known, and unknown elements, the flower of life, from scratch in the darkness. I created a Zero Point Event using the pure sine wave of Love. Once you get it correct, the rainbow light animates from the side until all legs of the geometrical structure are filled, and then it starts to self replicate. You can then travel all of these tubes of light to anywhere you want. The Volts and amps are the same energy in different forms, bouncing between each layer of mirrored dimensions. If you adjust the Hz, Volts, or Amps, you change directions and speed.

This creates light and sound. Most classical music sounds like traveling in this way to me.

The quantum computing power of the #brain can finally be understood with the Unified Quantum Theory. It explains brain waves, and even #heartbeats It could also fix all heart attacks and strokes that are caused by an electro-magentic imbalance. The reason the pulses look differently can be identically overlapped on the sonnensystem vortex helix's movement. It is the wobble of the 3 and 4 sided palindromic sequence ie: the interplay between the left and right halves of the brain, and also why they have to be separate pieces, instead of one large grey mass. One side would be a 3 and the other a 4, and probably back and forth. This could explain right or left handed dominance. Also, if a person is a 3x3 instead of a 3x4 it would probably cause seizures, and strokes or maybe 3x3 is female and 3x4 is male, and the electrical imbalance is caused by the power source, omega, alpha omega, or +1 alpha omega incorrectly applied could overpower and fry the circuits. Heart attacks would be the heart and the brain being on different frequency's, as well as an imbalance in the sine wave that oscillates through the body. The three sided pattern looks like an iron cross in its movements, and the 3x4 looks like the christian cross as it moves.

You can also balance the harmonic in the brain and heart with simply polar breathing in and out through your nose only. I actually stopped a heart attack in my 82y old grandmother while she was in an ER hooked up to all the machines, using this method, as well as slapping the left arm just below the elbow joint, on the top of the arm, which manipulates the heart chakra and sends an overriding electrically stabilizing pulse to the heart to ease out of the arrhythmia. The Dr was actually mad that she didn't have the heart attack. Said she was wasting bed space. He said there was no way a heart attack could be stopped once it starts.

Shows what he knows lol.

The invisible energy that powers it all is the +1 Alpha Omega causing a rift in the space time continuum and because the galaxy is slipping through a small point, it causes magnetic polarities which create current. The reason they were weaponizing the 5-6g Hz range is because it can control and reduces Theta waves (3 to 8 Hz) In the 5-6Hz range you can reduce conscious thought.
"Theta brainwaves occur most often in sleep but are also dominant in deep meditation. Theta is our gateway to learning, memory, and intuition. In theta, our senses are withdrawn from the external world and focused on signals originating from within. It is that twilight state which we normally only experience fleetingly as we wake or drift off to sleep. In theta we are in a dream; vivid imagery, intuition and information beyond our normal conscious awareness. It’s where we hold our ‘stuff’, our fears, troubled history, and nightmares."

- Brain Works Neuro Therapy

#UQT #medicalscience

SO if the Theory of Relativity is to be understood, We can create the space vortex inside ourselves if we vibrate in the frequency of love. This image would suggest that there is a +1 alpha omega holding earth just above the vortex field they are creating with a love frequency.

The love frequency and Hz range create a vortex that makes you a black hole type of anomaly. That would mean that instead of moving TO something at the speed of thought, if this image is correct, the information moves THROUGH US instead.

To whom it may concern, if you have a +1 alpha Omega human looking glass, the Orion cube works because we can access the grid of 441 matrices from within. #justsaying Also, if you had a spacecraft, where the pilot seat is a 0, the Pilot's own consciousness could move the vehicle to any destination within the tubes of light that make up the structure of the matrices. Also, because you were inside the matrix, you would not be confined by the electromagnetic anomaly of the space-time continuum. This would allow for space as well as time travel, in any direction from the Zero Point.

Also, I believe that there are TWO cubed matrices. It would make sense, and follow every other pattern in the Unified Quantum Theory. One cube is probably 441 Matrices, and the other cube is 432 Matrices? Either way, it would be a 3 vs a 4 sided pyramid, or if the 441 matrices is the 4x3 cube, then the other cube is a 3x3 which actually makes more sense. This would also overlay with the in and out valves of the heart, the sides of the brain, the interplay between space and time, ect. Also these cubes would not be "next to each other" per say; Probably like the 3 and 4 sided pyramids, they would be inverted, compressed, and counter rotating in a palindromic inverted repeat.

I think the #constellations could be overlayed in the 441 matrices to give you locations of other entities ETs and also explain their Stargates ie jump points, and the hwys associated. I also guarantee that this map would overlay on the brain. My only question is why do they overlay the constellation map on a 18x24 ie a 432 grid? Unless they are correct and the other 9 dimensions are off limits? Needs to be a 441 grid. Wait, this could be very important; If the cube follows the rest of the Unified Quantum Theory, there would have to be another cube with less overall dimensions, that is the counterbalance. It would be the 3x3 cube instead of the 3x4 cube. Also the time is the 3 sided pyramid, and space is the 4 sided pyramid, and our consciousness modulating the Hz frequency is the power supply, which is an omega, alpha omega, or +1 alpha omega, based on us.

Edited, just realized that this "Unified Quantum Theory" would explain all known and unknown: musical scales, light spectrum, elements, math, everything. Basically take a beach ball, overlay a grid of 441 matrices, fit the periodic table of elements on it, overlay the color chart as it matches the known elements, overlay the musical octaves, and then you could extrapolate all known, and unknown colors, sounds, elements, musical scales, ect. It could answer all the lies tied into modern day math. And Math IS the language of the cosmos. That is why it was intentionally messed up. To keep us from the pure simplicity of the Law of One explained by the Unified Quantum Theory.

Our music has been played in the wrong frequency and with only half the available notes. Dan Allen and I are working on a new Quantum Music Theory. I believe it would have two separate root resonances working together. If it matches the other patterns, there would be a female root resonance of 6.75 with 9 octaves, and a male root resonance of 8.55 with 12 octaves. If you use the atomic weight of Hydrogen to explain the geometry, the female becomes 4.03 and the male becomes 5.03. More and that as it develops.

The flight of the Bumble bee... Not chased by someone or something bad.. necessarily, just chased by it's mirrored counterpart...because you need the balance, and it's you who decides which side of the mirror to be on with your choices, it changes the quark from a 1-0 or back depending on you.

So a +1 or a 0.....

That also means we need to fix our tracking and understanding of time. Time is not a linear thing, nor is it an abstract construct. It is a definable thing based on all this knowledge. This would effect how we tell time with a clock, as well as the years, months, days, ect. We (Dan Allen and I) are also working on a Unified Quantum Time Theory that will re-write the minutes of an hour, hours of a day, days of a week, weeks of a month, and months of a year, using the new Unified Quantum Theory.

Crop circles are basically the 2-d representation of space traveler landing here, you can mathematically reverse engineer the pattern and go back, or tell where they came from. I can explain how changing the metal and crystal you use, you can travel to diff dimensions and diff planets. Also using the sacred geometry grid, basically inside the tubes of light, which removes the constraints of the electromagnetic anomoly, means faster than speed of light travel is possible ie: speed of thought.

Well actually, the result is an inverted repeat, the design is... A palindromic sequence.
A palindrome structure allows the y-chromosome to repair itself by bending over at the middle if one side is damaged they are very often found in proteins. It is also the design of gothic churches, and if you take into account that they made the windows of those structures with colored glass and metal, which could create this electrical current, then you will understand how they were stealing your energy for their gains. They used your words, by repeating what they told you to say, to channel the energy in the manner they saw fit.

Now I know why 1 + 12...

The Alpha Helix

Most prevalent structure in proteins. Molecular biology, physics, medicine, math, religion, speech patterns, all..overlays, and provides answers if you match it with the other patterns.
Your thoughts are taking an electromagnetic journey, oscillating like a sine wave, between the two alternative layers of your current dimension that are available on each sacred geometrical layer.. as a mirrored dimension.

Alpha Helix in proteins could be used to heal the body in this way.

"The alpha helix (α-helix) is a common motif in the secondary structure of proteins and is a right hand-helix conformation in which every backbone N−H group hydrogen bonds to the backbone C=O. group of the amino acid located three or four residues earlier along the protein sequence."

Representative Geometry of an Alpha-Helix Structure -
ie: The coiled structure of an Alpha-Helix

secondary structure of proteins

Also the 4 sided pyramid's extra dimensional face creates the extra portion of the bottom of the sine wave. This "tail" can fold up on itself touching the center, which would cause it to heal itself. (This is also how you can jump great distances through space/time at "Warp-Speed.")
Soo if you apply that to neru-scince, ie, paralyzed people... Look where they are disconnected, then look to the constellations for answers. Find an alternate route that you can add a jumper into, to reroute power. When I see these sacred geometrical forms come to life, they don't care which direction the rainbow light flows from. And when the entire mathematical shape is filled with light, it starts to replicate exponentially, it already knows how to finish,

because sacred geometry is a set, definable, equation.

Wow Unified Quantum Theory would also explain why the days of the weeks were changed, the length of the months, and the day of worship. Depending on if you are on the 9 sided tilt or the 12 sided tilt ie: 1 or 0: 3 or 4 sided pyramid, you would be connecting to different stargates and subsequently different locations. They are using humans to power their grids and stargates. These grids run under all the churches, synagogues, mosques, and the pyramids. I believe all locations are probably power supplies with the pyramids being actual jump points. Also they would have to modulate the Hz range most likely using equipment effecting the magnetism of the earth, creating a different magnetic flux than would naturally occur.If you change the day of worship one day later, and use an artificial power source, you go from alpha omega, to +1 alpha omega, and you can do things you aren't supposed to be able to do using sacred geometry. When you stack up enough quarks one way or the other, the energy in the cosmos Tesla talks about, pushes you up or down a dimension. I believe under normal constraints, most souls are only in 3 dimensions at a time. Maybe that's why I am the clear top of the pyramid. I may be the first astral in human form to get it.... Although I know it's not about me.. for a fact. I didn't learn any of this in college lol.

I was an art major for ten years, with no degrees lol.

Addendums March-April 2020

Tesla said “Alpha waves in the human brain are between 6 and 8 Hertz. All biological systems operate in the same frequency range. The human brain’s alpha waves function in this range and the electrical resonance of the earth is between 6 and 8 Hertz. Thus, our entire biological sustem – the brain and the Earth itself- work on the same frequencies. If we can control that resonate system electronically, we can directly control the entire mental system of humankind.” #tesla knew what was up!

This is exactly what I have been saying would be necessary to achieve the current state that the world is currently in, in 2020. O wow. Ok here is the fake resonance they are creating in a logo that calls us the scum, which is the dark. Sound familiar? It should look like the flower of life instead for the light, balanced, instead of pinched. The last photo is what their electronic device would look like that is messing up the Hz frequency of the planet. O shit, I just figured out that is an atomic particle! A "rad" or radioactive particle. #UQT #unifiedquantumtheory They also have to tell us what they are doing in a public manner, and that is why this image is also the Men in Black logo.

Gunna go on record and say Noah's Flood was created by a Hydrogen Fire in the upper atmosphere, initiated by an advanced technology weapon, deployed by ETs. I would imagine it's main heat impact was over present day Scotland. Also I see all the land masses of Earth were one large land mass. This explosion could have caused all the continents of Earth to shatter apart. It would explain why mountain ranges in the United States are continued into Iceland, Greenland, Scotland, ECT. It probably explains why most of the preserved Giants and dinosaurs were found in mud that would have happened at the same time. Also, Kangaroos have to be a genetic combination of humans, frogs, and rats. #justsaying

The male harmonic created the sacred geometry from the wisdom, the female energy is what animates it and makes it grow. The simpler truth is, the wisdom is a balance of the male and female harmonic, powered by "God" The oscillation of female rulers and male rulers on the Earth is due to the natural osculation between the dark and light, male female, ying yang. The current World is on a male harmonic. The male harmonic matches greed, gold, ect. The female harmonic matches a living thing when it is ovulating, giving birth, and matches the harmonic of Love 432Hz. To fix the current linear tangent of the sonnensytem vortex helix, a new Zero Point Event based in Love was needed to keep the matrices from a catastrophic collapse in 2024-2026. This is the reason that "She" ie: God, offers Love and Light to all of creation. Our consciousness allows free will, and this is what can skew the linear tangent. The Gods only have to get involved here on Earth when our Free Will is so far to one side of the natural resonance, that it threatens all living things in the multi-verse.

So I know the above images are #cymatics, but they are also representational of #stargates to different planets. This illustrates the diff math, metals and crystals needed to get to each location that I mention in Answers: The Theory of Everything. Just taking a look at these shapes briefly, I believe that they would all explain different volts, amps, and Hz, frequencies. These shapes are the very complex versions of the 3x4 interplay available in the Quantum Language Parse Syntax. The diff colors represent the crystals, metals, Hz frequencies, math, ext needed to travel to different locations, using different Stargates. The reason to do this would be basically space and time travel. These are visual representations of stargates needed to travel to different locations in the multi-verse. Consequently, the 2-d representation of these shapes would be the “crop circles” that have been seen around the world. When you land here, and maybe also leave from here, you would leave a 2-d print in the land below you that would be caused by the electromagnetic sine way that you put off when you power up. #astrophysics #space #timetravel #uqt

I was just looking at the light if the Full Pink Moon and realized that the 3 and 4 sided some waves were both visible in the light spectrums I saw the shape of a Christian Cross like normal, but also the iron cross overlayed in the shape of an X on the cross. It explains the +1 Alpha Omega. In another way. #LawofOne #UQT

One amazing thing about my unified quantum theory is, if I am correct you could create spacecraft where the pilot was the zero IE the power source for the aircraft. If the pilot put themselves into a zero point you would then be traveling inside the tubes of light which means you would not be constraint by the electromagnetic anomaly therefore you would travel at the speed of thought and you would only need propulsion for local travel, not interstellar travel. This would greatly reduce the need for the complexity, size, fuel, ect. of the aircraft. Basically you would then just need to train pilots on how to meditate and achieve a Zero Point State, ie: the quiet place, and they could transport whatever aircraft they were sitting in with them. I do believe that the aircraft would need to be an AI-Organic-Hybrid to make this possible, or more likely just easier. If you overlay the Freemasons logo or the US Space Force logo over the Mayan Inter-Dimensional Star Map, ie: the flower of life, it starts to make sense.

#spacetravel #timetravel #astrophysics #uqt

Using my Unified Quantum Theory and my buddy Dan Allen's musical genius, we have written a new Quantum Music Theory based on the laws of the universe. It doubles the known octaves, and consequently the notes available, as well as sets the correct frequency at 432Hz resonance, to match a Zero Point Event, the Law of One, and the Quantum Language. #musictheory

Ok so let me align my last few posts with the Quantum QUANTUM LANGUAGE PARSE SYNTAX GRAMMAR thoughts. The 3 sided pyramid is the female harmonic. The 4 sided pyramid is the male harmonic. The +1 Alpha Omega is the result of the palindromic inverse repeat starting up by balancing these two "resonances." Now that could also be quantified another way. Ever wondered why there are 7 Liberal Arts? There are two separate parts; The Trivium and the Quadrivium. The 3 Trivium is Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric. The 4 Quadrivium is Arithmetic, Music, Geometry, and Astronomy. If they can control your perception of these arts, then they can control what power source you can create, ; ie: Omega, just 3, alpha omega, just 4, +1 Alpha Omega with both working in harmony. That is why Dan Allen and I worked out all 12 available octaves in the Quantum Music Theory. Every Harmonic Scale works. The thing is, each one re-centers the Zero Point on a different resonance. Currently we need a female Harmonic, and that is 432Hz. That is why when I proposed my New Quantum Music Theory, I did not share all of these Harmonic Scales, but instead, just the appropriate one for the now.

#Synchronotron matches the #441matrices It is also explained by not one "cube" but instead, two separate pyramids, inverted and counter rotating in a palindromic repeat, all powered by movement through the zero point. Once this power source is created, its beginning, is its end. That means it is infinite if it continues to meet the correct sacred geometrical patterns. But, if the energy gets back to the middle to flip and it doesn't match up, it can come apart catastrophically due to a high speed tremble of the incorrect frequency, which can cause a collapse like seen in the bridge in Washington State, was it? Sonic Resonance maybe its called? In humans this causes heart attacks and strokes. It can also collapse the space-time continuum overall if humans don't start to follow the frequency of Love 432Hz range.

The Virtruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci explains the perfect dimensions of a human body (12 +1). What he did not articulate is that this is the form you enter into when you ascend into a Light Body where you are the 12 +1 Chakras. #virtruvianman #davinci

12 +1 Chakras (the +1 is you ) Just remember that these pyramids aren't one over the other, but inside each other, counter rotating, with you as the power source that is what I explained with the UQT. The correct pattern of the math that explains this would match the sonnensystem vortex helix, as well as brain waves, heartbeats, the resonance of the earth, ect. Again remember that I think the Earth is the center of the Uni-Verse, and it would probably also mean the Earth is flat until it is animated. That is why it can be explained with the folding up of the christian cross shape I explained at the beginning of this Theory.

This image is from the Dawning Golden Crystal Age explains this very well. It also illustrates how there are 12 chakras and we are the +1 alpha omega. Just remember the top 6 chakras are actually squashed down on top of the first six chakras in a palindromic inverse repeating sequence, with you the human as the +1 alpha omega power source.

This gif is a 3-d animated interplay of brain waves between

the left and right sides ie the 3x4 pyramids interacting.

This gif is animated heart beats that shows the 3x4 interplay in 2-D.

By the way, every pattern is 12 +1. The 12 makes up the structure, and the +1 ie 13 is the power source, ie Hz tone needed to match to create a zero point in that space-time matrices. It is how my composer friend Dan Allen and I wrote the new Quantum Music Theory. In Octaves he explains, you have a 12 +1. That is how wee need to expand the octaves from 6 to 12. and the +1 is what Hz frequency to match, to achieve different zero points. Math builds the structure of the cosmos, but music..animates it. One one side think Goddess is light and music, and the other side is the Sun, Male harmonic, which creates the structure. Without both, there is no space-time continuum. Without our consciousness, there is no zero point to quantify it. To fix the female harmonic that the Earth currently needs, we needed a zero point on a 432Hz frequency. The pattern is a 3 sided equilateral triangle, and the 4 sided pyramid has one extra side of 3, plus the addition of a 4 sided base, vs a 3. Not a math guy either . Would look something like (3x3x3x3) +1 alpha omega (3x3x3x3+4) So the +1 alpha omega is the center 6 leg cross in the flower of life. So a 0 becomes an omega with an inverse repeating palindromic sequence. That looks like an 8. That is a 3 sided pyramid alone. Two 3 sided pyramids counter rotating make the Alpha Omega, ie two omegas inside each other like an iron cross. A 4 sided pyramid alone is an alpha omega like a christian cross shape as you have the additional dimension opened. A three and 4 sided pyramid inverse and overlayed, create a +1 alpha omega as you are combining the omega and alpha omega.

#UQT #UnifiedQuantumTheory #opensourcelife #humanlookingglass

Ambassador of Aloha - Author  - Unified Quantum Theory

Unified Quantum Theory

Note: This is a working file, so check back regularly for updates.

To simplify the Unified Quantum Theory, I will give you the answer with geometry. Space is a three sided equilateral pyramid. Time is a four sided equilateral pyramid. If you put these two inside each other, and spin them in a palindromic sequence using consciousness as a power source (+1 Alpha Omega) you can explain all space, time, and consciousness.The effect is a 6 leg (conically shaped legs) structure, that looks like the center of the flower of life.

There are three distinct parts ie: The Trinity (male, female, power source.) The female is a 4 sided pyramid and explains what animates creation and time, and it matches the resonance of love and female ovulation or birth. The 3 sided pyramid is the structure of space and matches the vibration of ego, gold, and the male harmonic of creation. When extrapolated into a mathematical sequence, the structure of the space-time continuum is a 3 sided pyramid and a 4 sided pyramid overlayed upside down compressed in each other, spinning in a Palindromic Repeating sequence.

I created a conical-singularity-zero-point-event in the frequency of Love and viewed this information. In the beginning, there was only Wisdom. It wasn't until that wisdom became self-aware as a creator, that it became consciousness. It was at this point that the consciousness could create a male/female harmonic to interplay with Wisdom ie: The Trinity. The female is 4, and the male 3 and the +1 is consciousness that moves the 3 and 4 through space and time. The pattern is 12 +1 and is an Inverse Repeating Palindromic Sequence (which creates our DNA in real time). The male harmonic creates the sacred geometry, while the female harmonic animates into life. Consciousness then determines how this is positioned in the space-time matrices at any one point. Arguably this would mean that all your lives, both past and future, are running simultaneously. That is why you can have such vivid "recurrences, visions, dreams" of past lives. Because they are all available in the now. You can visit these realms if you are sleeping or achieve a quite point (through meditation or prayer) in your current "now."

Consciousness is what powers this all, and can be explained mathematically by an Omega power source that looks like the number 8, the Alpha Omega, which would be two omegas overlayed looking like an iron cross, and also an omega, and an alpha omega overlayed, which creates the +1 alpha omega looking more like a christian cross. One is male, one is female, and the combination of both is a balance of one unit, instead of a balance of two parts. The +1 Omega to the Omega and the Alpha Omega is what animates it. What that would look like is a christian cross, where the bottom of the cross wraps up to the middle, and the other three points meet in the middle, forming a shape that resembles a chickens egg. This shape explains the wobble of the planets through the uni-verse. It can be explained by the math I have explained previously. This also means that for Humans here on the Earth, we are the center point of the Universe, not the sun. If you apply all the math to the Earth being the center, instead of the sun, you get all the answers that you seek in space and or time travel. Also, think of time and space (place, ie: The Earth) as two layers, with consciousness being the thing that rolls those two layers into a sphere, and starts the twisting sine wave that powers it all.

Also, I understand that intention is very important when establishing a motive. My motive for even thinking about Quantum Mechanics is simple. Life is not ideal. The Earth and it's people are in turmoil. If the laws of Sacred Geometry and the Law of One are to be understood correctly, if we realign with the very fabric of the cosmos, everything works out. The extra "vibrations" on Earth right now are due to fighting against the very nature of the space-time continuum and free will itself. My thought was if I could explain it clearly, then maybe we could give it a chance? I will try to prove the Theory by overlaying all known sciences and arts. If I am correct, it explains why I choose the name "Unified Quantum Theory." Every layer of space, time, and consciousness can be explained.

I would love anyone to prove me wrong or correct lol. I don’t claim to be any smarter than the average human, I am just a passionate and passive observer. I have a domain 1 forwarded to my author page that explains the theory. I will add it here as well. I am excited to share this information with the world and I can’t wait to interact with you all. God Bless and may the Light of Love fill your mind, body, and soul. - Author Joe Holt